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Updated 1st Jan 2025 GMT 00:03hrs
FOUNDER & OWNER Jason Perkins
Est 2018 BITEY®
EST 2013 KO®
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THE MYTHICAL LEGENDS OF BRIAN. (Check out the fun stories made from this called 'Brian Big Beard® & Marvin Mouse). Author Jason Perkins.
Mythical legends being based on possibly true stories of Brians.
Brian Blessed a man who’s great big bushy beard doesn’t precede him, nothing could.
In Nepal there is a legend in which folk all around the land talk of , that is the legend of Brian.
Now there is a lot of opinion about the Nepal legend not long after Brian climbed mount Everest.
Some say that after climbing Mount Everest that Brian retired to the Scottish Highlands as a lumberjack “ Nee Paul lassy, it is Brian “. It is said he could lift a tree with one hand and toss it over his shoulder.
Another opinion is that Brian is with the Dalia Lama, not long after their boxing match , they sup on cups of herbal tea together whilst discussing the universe and such like.
The other is that Brian isn’t in this dimension at all in a parallel universe, and actually discussing fine art with Picasso “ I tell you it's a beautiful dove what I have drawn for you “, “ Well it looks more like a parrot “....
The final theory and stepping on from the Dalia lama , some say Brian is currently building a ark , much like Noah , Brian has all the animals around him as he dovetails mammoth wooden beams together to make the huge floaty vessel. Everyone gets on fantastically but I do think there was some argument involving a Walrus and something about the socket wrench set not being put back properly.
These are all just speculative around the world but the people that live in the habitat areas closest to the mountain.
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